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Lucha Comics: Powered by Undiscovered Stories.
Why I Love Comics
For nearly 40 years I have read & collected comic books (I’m not THAT old though, I did start reading young!). I was immediately drawn to the art, the stories and the characters. Like most kids, I began with licensed comics (a lot of Marvel’s Star line: Thundercats, Healthcliffe, stuff like that) and eventually graduated…
Scenes from a Geek Marriage
by Barb Lien-Cooper When other geeks find out that my husband and I are both geeks in various fan communities, they make certain assumptions about who likes what. Some of their assumptions are true, but some are false. For instance, when I mention that Park and I are both Studio Ghibli fans, people assume that…
What goes into a graphic novel?
It’s a lot more work than you might think. If you’ve never put together a comic books or graphic novel before, it is pretty easy to underestimate the time, effort and resources that go into getting a book market ready.
Thoughts from a Lucha Comics Intern
Hi everyone! My name is Grace, and I’m a 1st year business student at Western. As a freshman, I was eager to get my hands on any opportunities that seemed interesting, so when Pre-Business Student’s Network posted applications for an internship program, I didn’t hesitate to apply!
Yes, the Avengers: Infinity War Deaths Were Permanent & Real (and they also weren’t what you think)
The end of Avengers: Infinity War (and the subsequent post-credits scene for Ant-Man & The Wasp) provided the single biggest shock of any comic book movie – yes, even bigger than that weird dream-type ending that we got in The Dark Knight Rises. I’d like to discuss my theory for Avengers: Endgame, and how I…
Thank you!
Once again, we owe our fans a huge thank you, because you helped to make our kickstarter campaign for Macbeth: The Red King a success. There were a few times where I was sweating, but honestly our existing and new fans really stepped up, and we comfortably hit our goal in the home stretch.
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