Lucha Comics: Powered by Undiscovered Stories.

  • Undiscovered Stories Ep. 04: Brazil’s WWII Combat Vets.

    Undiscovered Stories Ep. 04: Brazil’s WWII Combat Vets.

    World War II was truly global; this week we go beyond the traditional WWII narrative. It is a bit odd thinking about it now, but when I was born, World War II had ended less than 35 years prior; it was still fresh in the minds of many. We still had living veterans, and those…

  • Undiscovered Stories Ep. 03: A Childhood Dream Fulfilled

    Undiscovered Stories Ep. 03: A Childhood Dream Fulfilled

    Imagine being part of your team’s dream run I grew up in a typical Mexican household that really only cared about two sports – Futbol (or soccer here in Canada) and Lucha Libre (pro wrestling). Sure, there was some F1, Boxing and American Football in there but usually that was about it.  Fast forward to…

  • Undiscovered Stories Ep. 02: Lunatic Tyrant, or the GOAT of Scottish Kings?

    Undiscovered Stories Ep. 02: Lunatic Tyrant, or the GOAT of Scottish Kings?

    Was Macbeth the Tyrant, a tragic figure, or the greatest of all Scottish Kings? Shakespeare fanfic defined this figure. Sure, we all love fanfic and at some point probably thought of, or even wrote our own; some fanfics have become huge in their own right.  50 Shades of Grey began as a Twilight fanfiction, and…

  • Undiscovered Stories Ep. 01: Bigger than Batman V Superman.

    Forgot Batman v Superman. Instead, here’s Attila the Hun vs. Pope Leo I. Wait, what? From Batman to Pope Leo? And who even was this guy? Before I jump into this story and why it’s inspired a new project, I wanted to talk a bit about the title of this series – Undiscovered Stories.

  • Why I Love Comics

    For nearly 40 years I have read & collected comic books (I’m not THAT old though, I did start reading young!). I was immediately drawn to the art, the stories and the characters. Like most kids, I began with licensed comics (a lot of Marvel’s Star line: Thundercats, Healthcliffe, stuff like that) and eventually graduated…

  • Scenes from a Geek Marriage

    by Barb Lien-Cooper When other geeks find out that my husband and I are both geeks in various fan communities, they make certain assumptions about who likes what. Some of their assumptions are true, but some are false. For instance, when I mention that Park and I are both Studio Ghibli fans, people assume that…

  • What goes into a graphic novel?

    What goes into a graphic novel?

    It’s a lot more work than you might think. If you’ve never put together a comic books or graphic novel before, it is pretty easy to underestimate the time, effort and resources that go into getting a book market ready.

  • Thoughts from a Lucha Comics Intern

    Thoughts from a Lucha Comics Intern

    Hi everyone! My name is Grace, and I’m a 1st year business student at Western. As a freshman, I was eager to get my hands on any opportunities that seemed interesting, so when Pre-Business Student’s Network posted applications for an internship program, I didn’t hesitate to apply!

  • Yes, the Avengers: Infinity War Deaths Were Permanent & Real (and they also weren’t what you think)

    Yes, the Avengers: Infinity War Deaths Were Permanent & Real (and they also weren’t what you think)

    The end of Avengers: Infinity War (and the subsequent post-credits scene for Ant-Man & The Wasp) provided the single biggest shock of any comic book movie – yes, even bigger than that weird dream-type ending that we got in The Dark Knight Rises.  I’d like to discuss my theory for Avengers: Endgame, and how I…

  • Thank you!

    Once again, we owe our fans a huge thank you, because you helped to make our kickstarter campaign for Macbeth: The Red King a success.  There were a few times where I was sweating, but honestly our existing and new fans really stepped up, and we comfortably hit our goal in the home stretch. 

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